Our Services

How We Can Help

It takes a team of seasoned tax professionals who are experienced and conversant in both the US and New Zealand’s tax systems to navigate the minefield that is the international taxation landscape.

Serving as your expert tax agent, we leverage our deep experience in the issues that arise when relocating to or from the United States.

  • Corporations, S-corporations, partnerships and LLCs are taxed very differently under NZ income tax legislation. 
  • Residency issues frequently impact how some entities are taxed in each country. This depends on the finer points of each situation. 
  • Sourcing issues frequently impact how certain categories of income, expenses, gains and losses are taxed.
Tax Payment NZ

Personalized NZ and US Services:

Classification and Evaluation Services:

One of the benefits in using us is the depth of knowledge we hold on the types of US investments and their tax implications. Correct evaluation and classification of investments, such as the following will save you a lot of stress:

  • The 401(k) tax-qualified, defined-contribution pension account plans, 
  • The IRAs (individual retirement accounts), 
  • The 403(b) tax-advantaged retirement savings plans, and 
  • Various college plans.

If you would like us to identify particular issues and advise you on them, you need us on your team. Get peace of mind. Trust in our professionalism. We will have your back.